Welcome to WebshopLogic and Filogy. By using or accessing our services including place an order with WebshopLogic and/or Filogy webstore, you agree to all part of this General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and accept that. If you do not agree to this GTC or do not accept it, you are not permitted to use our services. This document does not refer to a Code of Conduct.
It cannot be placed any Order without clicking on the “I’ve read and accept the terms & conditions” checkbox. This is another level of accepting the General Terms and Conditions.
This website and webstore operates according to Hungarian law and regulations.
Please feel free to contact if you have questions about our services including ordering and shipping process of the webstore.
Contract is established between the customer and the seller, if the following two conditions are met:
- You received the necessary information (this condition is fulfilled by publishing this GTC)
- The customer places the order, and the seller confirms it.
If confirmation is not received within 48 hours the order will be terminated. Automatic responses do not considered as confirmation.
The contract considered as a written contract, that exists only in digital form, and valid without signature.
The main characteristics of the contract is defined as follows :
- Operator data
- Products, product categories, price and description of services/products
- Description of ordering information
- Description of ordering process
- Information about order processing
- Information about delivery and take-over
- Warranty and guarantee information
- Description of the right of withdrawal
- Information withdrawal process
- Privacy information
Operator Data
- Website name: WebshopLogic and it’s sub site Filogy (for Filogy product line of WebshopLogic)
- Business name: Peter Rath (Sole Proprietorship)
- Website operator name: Peter Rath
- Office: 1161 Budapest, xxxx (click here)
- Email: ****@webshoplogic.com (click here)
- Businesses registration number : 6219432
- VAT number: 5609xxxx-x-xx (click here)
- EU VAT Number: HU 5609xxxx (click here)
- Privacy registration number: NAIH-65773/2013
- Contract Language: English
- Legal place of complaint management: Any of the contacts provided above (according to the Fgytv. Act CLV of 1997)
- Webhosting Provider: Tarhely.Eu Kft., 1144 Budapest, xxxx (click here)
Site Information
webshoplogic.com site has a sub site: filogy.com.
Filogy.com site contains marketing and product information about Filogy product line of WebshopLogic.
You will find common information about Filogy and WebshopLogic sites on wbshoplogic.com site, like General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and other topic. If an information about Filogy site is located on WebshopLogic site, filogy.com site contains link to the appropriate webshoplogic.com page, and the visitor or customer will be redirected from filogy.com to webshoplogic.com. All information on webshologic.com site is valid for filogy.com site too. Bidirectional links in the menu and footer can be used to navigate between the sites.
Products and services, prices
Available Products: downloadable digital products
The displayed products can be ordered online only.
Main Product Categories:
- Web based applications
- WordPress Plugins
- Documentations
- Other software products
Ordering Information
Add products to cart without registration is possible. If you have not registered previously, the registration is performed automatically during checkout.
Order information
1. Select the product you want to buy, then push “Add to cart” button on webshoplogic.com or filogy.com sites.
2. If you would like to place additional product into the cart, proceed to purchase, or if you’ve stepped into a basket, choose “Products” menu item.
3. If you do not want to buy another product, press the “View Cart” button, then check the product to be purchased, their number and amount. Click on the red “X” button to delete the selected product to the cart . The next volume + / – buttons or transliteration of the quantity of each item you can change the volume, press the “Update Cart” button after that. Only one piece can be taken of every downloadable product, so in this case quantity is always one. The cart page will always be displayed on webshoplogic.com site, even if you chose a Filogy product on filogy.com site. In this case you will be redirected from filogy.com to webshoplogic.com site.
4. Press “Proceed to checkout” button.
5. If you have registered previously, please login. If you have not register yet, enter billing information and password on checkout page, registration will be performed automatically.
6. Push “Place order” button, then you will be redirected to the PayPal site, where electronic payments can be made.
7. After successful payment click on “WebshopLogic” link on PayPal page to get back to the order page, where the download link of the purchased product will appear immediately.
8. Click on the download links to download your purchased digital product.
9. After placing the order you receive a confirmation email. It is generated automatically by the system. This e-mail contains the License key of the product.
10. Activate the new plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress site. Enter the product license that can be found in our e-mail or My Account menu of webshoplogic.com. License Activation is available by clicking on the “Manage License Key” link of the plugin in the Plugins list of your WordPress Admin. You can use the activation key so many times as much site license you have purchased. In WordPress Multisite environment the plugin and their license has to be activated per site basis.
You can download the product later using “My Account” menu item during one year after purchase, if you do not delete your registration.
Ways to improve the data entry errors
If you would like to modify data specified during registration, due to data entry errors or other reasons, select “My Account” item from main menu, or contact our customer service. To change the order due to data entry errors contact our customer service.
Processing orders
Orders are processed automatically according to the ordering steps described before.
If you are not able to download the product after successful payment, please contact our customer service.
Product data sheets and images displayed may differ from reality, in some cases it used as illustration.
We reserve the right to refuse the previously confirmed orders. Partial fulfillment can only take place after consultation with the customer! In these cases the purchase price of the product will be refund.
Free of charge products
There are two types of free of charge products:
- Products that available in plugin directory of WordPress. A link redirects you from the webstore to the plugin directory from where the plugin can be downloaded. (Lite versions)
- Products that must be ordered before download by the registered users. These products can be downloaded immediately after registration and placing the order. (Free Pro versions)
Some of our products are free of charge, and you can see the “Free” text in the product catalog for them.
After 2016-04-01 some of our products become commercial application. You can see the price of them in the electronic catalog in USD currency. The catalog prices are net prices, and relate to one product.
The price of software products includes support and updates for one year.
The product can be installed and activated on as many sites as many site the license is purchased for. In WordPess Multisite environment you need a license for every single site on per site basis.
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Operator is registered for VAT exempt status in Hungary, therefore the invoice does not include VAT.
Hungarian Tax number
If you are a domestically registered taxable person in Hungary, enter the Hungarian tax number in the Additional information section on the checkout page.
Payment for the ordered product
After 2016-04-01 some of our products are available as commercial applications, they are downloadable after payment.
Payment can be fulfilled via Direct Bank Transfer or PayPal. The payment method must be selected on the order form.
After place your order you will be redirected to the PayPal site, where electronic payments can be made. After successful payment you will get back to the order page, where the download link of the purchased product will be appeared immediately.
Issue the Invoice – Remote Printing
After purchase, the system generates the invoice data, including the invoice document number.
By publishing these written GTC, the seller authorizes the customer to issue the invoice by printing out the previously prepared invoice data. By accepting these GTC, the buyer accepts this authorization and is obliged to issue the invoice by printing to paper. The seller is entitled to print the invoice from the system himself.
Invoices are only valid in printed form and must be handled in accordance with legal requirements.
By accepting these GTC, the parties agree that if the customer saves the invoice in electronic form within the “Print Invoice” function (eg. saves it to a PDF file with a PDF printer or saves it with the download button of the viewer function), the saved file is only an electronic image (electronic copy) of the paper invoice, but not the invoice itself, because it is valid only on paper. This electronic image is not an electronic invoice.
Invoice must be printed the following way by the buyer (remote printing):
- Select “My Account” menu in webshoplogic.com, then click on the “Orders, Invoices” link
- Find the order of which invoice have to be printed
- Click on the “Print Invoice” button, then an invoice preview image is displayed on the screen
- Click on Print button in the viewer for printing the invoice to paper. This printing step may vary in the different machines, usually you have to select the appropriate printer and press the Print button.
Guarantee, Warranty
We provide warranty according to the rules of the Hungarian Civil Code of the defective performance. After the discovery of the error you are required to complaint in writing within the possible shortest time at our webshop.
In case of faulty performance we do the following (according to the Civil Code 306. §):
First of all – we repair or replace the product – according to your choice.
If repair or replacement is not possible you can require appropriate price reduction or withdraw from the contract and the price will be refunded – according to your choice.
Shipping costs and costs of payment are not refundable.
Right of Withdrawal
17 / 1999th (II. 5.) Government Regulation on the protection of customers in respect of distance contracts says for any distance contract the consumer shall have a period of 14 days in which to withdraw from the contract without penalty and without giving any reason. The paid price for the product will be refunded immediately, but within thirty days after the withdrawal.
The only charge that may be made to the consumer because of the exercise of his withdrawal right is the direct cost of returning the goods.
According to the Regulation the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for the computer software which were unsealed by the customer.
This Regulation complies with the Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 1997
Downloadable digital products considered to be unsealed when the purchase and payment was successful, in this case the product is available for the customer like an unsealed software product.
In addition to the above regulations, we provide 100% No-Question-Asked Money Back Guarantee for 64 days after the purchase date.
Withdrawal process
If you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal, please inform us contacting our customer service in writing.
If you are not completely satisfied for any reason, send an e-mail us within 64 days of the purchase and we will refund 100% of your money.
The ordered products should be returned to us.
The purchase price of the product will be refund within thirty days to the bank account or PayPal account of the customer.
Data management principles of the webshop is contained by Privacy Policy, which is attached to this General Terms and Conditions document.
Cookie management principles of the site is contained by Cookie Policy, which is attached to this General Terms and Conditions document.