WooCommerce Custom Tabs Pro product page
This product is a downloadable virtual product.
Use more tabs to publish more information about your products. WooCommerce Custom Tabs Pro plugin helps you displaying product details in separate tab pages. Display anything you want, galleries, videos, text information, product support forums (e. g. bbpress) and statistics. You can use your favorite 3rd party plugins that support these features.
The Custom Tabs for WooCommerce Pro product page contains the product description, installation, screenshots, documentation, FAQ, and support.
The product price contains support for one year.
- Check if an earlier version of the plugin is installed. If so, deactivate and delete it.
- Upload the plugin using one of the following possibilities:
- Upload the plugin to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory. The downloaded ZIP file contains a woocommerce-custom-tabs-pro directory, this should be in /wp-content/plugins/ after unzip.
- Go to Plugins -> Add New menu in wp-admin page of your site, then choose Upload in the upper bar. Choose the plugin file and press “Install Now”.
- Activate the new plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. (In WordPress Multisite environment the plugin has to be activated per site basis.)
- Activate the product using the license key that can be found in our e-mail or My Account menu of License activation is available by clicking on the “Manage License Key” link of the plugin in your Plugins list of your WordPress Admin. (In WordPress Multisite environment activate the license on each site on which the plugin is installed and activated.)
- Configure the plugin: Settings -> WooCommerce Custom Tabs
If Lite version or an earlier PRO version (1.0.18 or below) of the plugin was installed earlier, please deactivate it, and then delete the whole plugin directory before installing the new Pro version (e.g. 1.0.21 or higher). You can do this in Plugins -> Installed Plugins menu, choose the Lite version or PRO version 1.0.18 (or below) of the plugin in the list, then click on Deactivate link, then click on the Delete link in the same way.
Please look at the other settings to be performed on the Documentation / FAQ tab.
Documentation / FAQ
How can tab types be defined?
Choose “Product Tabs” menu in the WP Admin area, and add new tab types, like adding a new post.
Enter the tab name into the title field of this page.
It can be defined if the tab type should be displayed for all products regardless of product category, or the tab is product category dependent. In case of product category dependent tab type, the relevant product categories can be selected from the list on the right.
How can Product Tab Type Settings be made?
Choose “Product Tabs” menu in the WP Admin area, and add a new tab type, or edit an existing (like in the case of post handling).
Use for all products
If this checkbox is on, the tab page will be displayed for all products regardless of product category. The other way is to assign this tab page type to product categories on the right side. This way this tab will be displayed only on those products, that have the same product categories that this tab has. Make sure that “Enable product category dependent product tab pages” checkbox is turned on in WooCommerce Custom Tabs setting page, otherwise the category panel will not be displayed on the sidebar.
Tab page priority
Determine the order of the tab pages. The higher priority means that the tab will appear backward. Original WooCommerce tabs priority: Description=10, Additional Information=20, Reviews=30
Default Content
The content entered here will be displayed in case of products where no content is given.
Content Header
The content entered here will be displayed before the tab content entered for a specific product. If no tab content entered for a specific product, this header will not be displayed either.
Content Footer
The content entered here will be displayed after the tab content entered for a specific product. If no tab content entered for a specific product, this footer will not be displayed either.
How to define tab contents for a specific product?
Go to the edit pages of your WooCommerce product, you will find editor fields for all defined tab types. You can enter the content of your tab pages of the specific product.
Can empty tab pages be hidden?
If the content remains empty, and “Hide empty tabs” checkbox is on in the “Settings / WooCommerce Custom Tabs” menu, the tab page will not be displayed.
How can I make general settings?
Choose “Settings -> WooCommerce Custom Tabs” menu in the WP Admin area, you can set the following parameters:
Hide empty tabs
Set this option on to hide empty tabs automatically.
Enable product category dependent product tab pages
There are two custom tab types. One of them is visible on all products, the other tab type is displayed only if you assign it to a product category, and the displayed product has this category. You can turn on/off this second type of functionality using this checkbox. The other settings can be made in Product Tabs menu.
Disable subcategory display
Do not display tabs assigned to a product subcategory, if the main category is not set for the product.
Name of your tab (especially for Lite version)
You can use one special tab page independently of multiple tab page handling. In Lite version this tab will be displayed. This field contains the name of this tab page, leave this field empty if you want to hide this tab page.
Priority of your tab (especially for Lite version)
Priority is affected on the order of tab pages.
What can be the slug of tab types?
Under Product Tabs menu you can configure tab types. The slug of this page identifies the tab types. The “slug” should contain only normal (non-special) characters and numbers, and the first character must not be a number.
You can see the slug on the following screenshot marked yellow. It can be modified by pushing Edit button beside it.
Is it possible to create links to a specific product tab?
Yes, WooCommerce uses an anchor for every tab page. (Anchor makes it possible to jump to a specific content inside a page, and it is signed by a # mark at the end of the URL).
What is the format of the anchor links to a specific product tab?
The format of the link to a product tab:
Select the appropriate tab for both formats. If you are using &noscroll option (or another parameter after the anchor), the top of the page will be displayed, otherwise, the browser will scroll down to the anchor (if there is nothing after the anchor).
How do you know the name of the anchor?
WooCommerce standard anchor names should be used at the end of the URL. The browser displays them on the bottom if you move the mouse over the appropriate tab. You should apply the part of the URL after the # mark. (e.g. #tab-my-content or #tab-faq)
Two live examples to the link to the FAQ page of WooCommerce Custom Tabs Pro product:
What should I do, if the tabs are not displayed on the front-end?
Check the following settings:
- have you defined tab types in “Product tabs” menu?
- are you sure that “Use for all products” checkbox is on for every tab type, or the appropriate product category of tab types are selected?
- have you defined the content of tabs on your product edit page (for each product)?
- if you use product category dependent tabs, are you sure, that the products are in the same category as tab types?
If every set is done, and the content is still not displayed:
- Try a standard WooCommerce theme (e.g. Mystile), to ensure your theme is WooCommerce compliant.
- Try to turn off all other plugins to ensure there is not any plugin collusion.
- Ensure that PRO version is installed. In Lite version tabs are not displayed on the front-end. You can install PRO version properly according to the documentation on “Installation” tab.
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Renee (verified owner) –
Great plug-in, works absolutely perfectly and actually even better than I expected. I’ve been battling with customizing my site these past few days and am glad that this plug-in did what I wanted it to do without having to customize or have conflicts on different browsers and devices. And at a great price as the WooCommerce version is nearly 5X the price. Thank you, I really appreciate it :)