WRI breaking my page layout

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    I noticed some issues with the layout of my WordPress pages, and after having contacted the Theme developer, they told me that the cause is the plugin that generates the “wri_content_clear_both” container around my content. Check this page. The problem is that the layout of elements such as lists are not correctly displayed (CSS not working as it should).

    Can’t figure out how to get rid of those containers generated by WRI. Also, I don’t even understand why do they exist, since this page has nothing to do with Woocommerce Products where WRI should be active. Any help is appreciated.



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    If this tag has a problem with your theme, you can use a filter to delete it.
    Try to add the following two lines into your functions.php file in your active theme’s directory.

    add_filter( 'wri_content_clear_start', '__return_null' ); 
    add_filter( 'wri_content_clear_end', '__return_null' ); 

    More information about functions.php: https://codex.wordpress.org/Functions_File_Explained

    If you delete this tag, other css settings may be needed to properly display related items.




    Thank you, worked like a charm!

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