Relationships not picked up?

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    Hi there,

    I have a system with multiple post types, which form a heirarchy of sorts.
    If I use manual relationships, relating post 1 to post 2, and post 2 to post 3, the relationship between post 1 and post 3 does not show up, even at very low match thresholds, and the relationship between 3 and 1 doesn’t seem effected the other way either.

    Is there any way to get this relationship properly recorded?




    Hi Janie!

    In this case post 1 and post 3 is not related, just post 1 and 2 and post 2 and 3. That is why it is not displayed.
    You should set relationship between post 1 and 3 to make it related, or use other similarity (e.g. common category) to make them related.


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