Possible to relate product categories?

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    Lets say i have 2 categories I want to relate, Bowls and Utensils. Is it possible to relate them so when I click on an item under the Bowl category it shows items from the Utensils category without having to add them manually. I have several thousand items in my categories and it would be great to relate them by categories like that




    Hi Troy,

    At this moment there is no a direct was to make manual relationships between categories.
    But you may make somehow a common taxonomy into which you can place all the products of both categories. This way you will have a common category, so the products will be related.
    You can use a plugin for this reason like this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-taxonomy-creator/ (I have never tried this plugin, but may be good for this reason.)

    I hope you can solve this problem using this or a similar solution.

    Best Regards,
    Peter Rath

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