different content for each tab

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    I want to have the same tab for each product ie. ingredients but different info under that tab for every product. What is the best way to do this?




    Hi Marek,

    In PRO version create a new Tab Type called “Ingredients”, you can do this in “Product Tabs” menu.
    Or if you use Lite version, go to Settings / WooCommerce Custom Tabs menu and enter the name of your tab into “Name of your tab” field (e.g. Ingredients).

    After one oh these steps, go to WooCommerce product edit pages for the specific products, you will find there a new editor field (e.g. Ingredients), where you can enter the content of that tab for those product that you are editing.

    I hope this information is useful for you.

    Peter Rath




    Great thanks! it works like a dream.

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