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Hi Houcem!

I looked at you WooCommerce product catalog (e.g., and I realized that the price is not displayed there.
So some way you hide prices generally in hole WooCommerce catalog (not only in case of WRI similar products).
Maybe you use a special plugin (maybe the one that redirect customers to, or theme that uses a special WooCommerce catalog template, and this template hides prices and displays excerpts. This is not the default WooCommerce catalog template.

As I wrote earlier, WP Related Items (WRI) plugin calls the template that WooCommerce uses, so in the same way as WooCommerce, WRI does not display the price.

If you find the way to switch back prices in the WooCommerce catalog, WRI will also display prices.

We don’t know more details about your site, so we can’t find out the reason of it, but hope you can localize the cause of this behavior.

If you still have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,