Reply To: Google Maps in Custom Tabs

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Hi Bas!

We can reproduce this strange behavior with Chrome, but it seems that the problem is not in our plugin.
It is very interesting, because if you open Chrome console (ctrl + shift + j), and then reload the page while the console is opened, it is works perfectly!
However if you does not open Chrome console, at the time of page loading, but later open it, then the problem occurs again, and on the console Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS error messages appears.
We have seen this error in forums, and most of the forums said it is a Chrome issue, and unfortunately we have not found any solution what we can do to resolve this problem behavior.
Trying it with FireFox, it works perfectly.

It can be important that product tab handling is part of WooCommerce, some WooCommerce JavaScripts display the tab content when you click on a tab. Our plugin does only the configuration of tabs, and WooCommerce displays it.
I suppose that, if would be a solution in WordPress and plugin side (and not in browser side), then it would concern the WooCommerce tab handling JavaScripts, so WooCommerce could made some changes.

Unfortunately at this moment we cold not solve this problem, because the problem is not in our plugin.
If you can not use the plugin because of this problem, please write a mail to to consult what would be the best option for you.

Best Regards,
Peter Rath